منتدى شباب مصر
مرحبا بكم فى منتدى شباب مصر
أنت لم تسجل الدخول بعد قم بالتسجيل فى المنتدى حتى تتمتع بجميع صلاحياته

*اسرة المنتدى تتمنى لك قضاء وقت ممتع*
منتدى شباب مصر
مرحبا بكم فى منتدى شباب مصر
أنت لم تسجل الدخول بعد قم بالتسجيل فى المنتدى حتى تتمتع بجميع صلاحياته

*اسرة المنتدى تتمنى لك قضاء وقت ممتع*
منتدى شباب مصر
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى شباب مصر

يوجد هنا معلومات عامة >مقتطفات دينية >برامج >العاب>مناهج دراسية
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Chapter 2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 106
نقاط : 316
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/12/2013

Chapter 2     Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Chapter 2    Chapter 2     Icon_minitimeالجمعة ديسمبر 27, 2013 6:10 am


patiently بصبر formally بشكل رسمى  
forgive يسامح nervous عصبى  
the inn الحانة partly جزئيا  
delicious لذيذ الطعم support يدعم - يساند  
pulse النبض make up يشكل  
crown يتوج - تاج crowded into احتشدو فى  
poison يسمم - سم tiny صغير جدا  
perfect متقن freezing cold قارص البرودة  
dead ميت square ميدان  
expression تعبير better future مستقبل افضل  
cellar قبو - سرداب ribbon شريط - وشاح  
empty فارغ clap يصفق  
palace القصر cheer يهتف  
locked in حبس فى wave يلوح  
uniform زى موحد pass يمر بـ  
set off ينطلق فى رحلة balconies بلاكونات – شرفات  
interests اهتمامات stick يلصق  
weaknesses اوجه الضعف truth الحقيقة  
behave يتصرف actually فعلا  
towers ابراج delighted مبتهج  
preparation تجهيز – اعداد exactly تماما  
covered in مغطى بـ bow to ينحنى لـ  
medals ميداليات thinner انحف  
army الجيش wide واسع  
Marshal مارشال (رتبة عسكرية) differences اختلافات

Questions with Model Answers
1-What differences did Rassendyll find when he examined his double carefully?
The King's mouth was less wide and Rassendyll's face was a little thinner.
2-What did Fritz and Colonel Sapt tell the King it was not a good idea for Rassendyll to do?
They told him it was not a good idea for Rassendyll to visit Strelsau at the time of the
3-What did the King invite Rassendyll to do?
The King invited Rassendyll to have dinner with him in the hunting lodge.
4-Why did Sapt and Fritz object to اعترضا على the King's invitation to Rassendyll to have
Because of the events the next day. They would have an early start.  
5-Why did the King not take Sapt and Fritz's advice not to eat too much?
Because the King was insatiable لا يشبع for food (gluttonous). (أكول / فجعان) He thoughtthat
good food is more important than sleep.  
6-Why did Rassendyll eat a lot when the King invited him to dinner?
Because he was hungry after his long walk, and the food was delicious.
7-Why did Fritz and Colonel Sapt not want to eat too much when the King invited
Rassendyll to dinner ?
Because of the events the next day. They would have an early start.
8-What two things did Duke Michael do that the King appreciated? قدّرها
First, Duke Michael let the King use his guards.
Second, he sent him some delicious cakes to eat.
9-Duke Michael made use استغل of his brother's weakness point نقطة ضعف to commit
his evil act. عمله الشرير Explain.
Duke Michael knew that his brother was gluttonous and that he couldn't resist يقاوم
good food, so he sent him poisoned مسموم cakes to poison him so that he couldn't be
crowned. Duke Michael wanted to be King himself.  
10-What did Rassendyll notice about the King when Josef brought the cakes? How?
He noticed that the King was insatiable for food. Though he had already eaten a lot, he ate
the cakes hungrily as if they were the first thing he had eaten all day.
11-Why did Rassendyll eat just one cake? What was the result of this?
Or: How was Rassendyll saved from being poisoned like the King?  
Rassendyll ate only one cake because he had already eaten enough, so he wasn't as sick as
the King.  He wasn't poisoned.
12-Why did Colonel Sapt throw water over Rassendyll while he was asleep?
To wake him up at five o'clock in the morning to see what had happened to the King.
Nothing else would have woken him up.
13How did Rassendyll find the King when Sapt and Fritz woke him up at 5 a.m.?
What did he do to him then?
The King was lying on the floor. His face was red and he was breathing heavily.
Rassendyll felt his pulse, which was very weak and slow.
14Why could Sapt and Fritz not get a doctor to help the King?
Because there was no doctor for fifteen kilometres.
15-What did Fritz decide to do first when the King was poisoned? Why didn't he
carry out ينفذ his decision?
He decided to tell the people of Ruritania that the King was ill, but Sapt stopped him.
16-Who did Fritz and Sapt accuse اتهموه of poisoning the King? Why?
They accused Duke Michael. They said that if Rudolf didn't become King, Duke Michael
would take the crown.
17-What was Sapt's plan to frustrate لإحباط the Duke's treacherous plot
المؤامرة الغادرة to take the crown?
Or: How did Sapt make use of the resemblance الشبَه between Rassendyll and the King to forestall لإحباط Duke Michael's plot to seize the throne? في الاستيلاء على العرش
Sapt suggested that Rassendyll could go to Strelsau to be crowned. People wouldn't realise it
because of the resemblance between Rassendyll and the King. Then, when the King
got better, Rassendyll could go back to England.
18-Why did Colonel Sapt think that if the King wasn't crowned that day, he would never be King?
Because the whole country was waiting for the King that day. Most of the army was waiting
too, with Duke Michael leading it. They wouldn't be happy.
19-What excuse العذر did Rassendyll give to prove that it was impossible for him to replace the King? How did Fritz refute his argument? دحض (فند) حجته
Rassendyll said that people would realise that he was not the King because he was English.
But Fritz said that Rassendyll's German was perfect.
20-Besides Rassendyll's resemblance to the King, his fluency in German was a crucial factor in accomplishing the mission. Explain.
بجانب التشابه بين راسيندل والملك, كانت إجادته التحدث باللغة الألمانية عاملا حاسما في إنجاز المهمة. اشرح ذلك
Rassendyll looked exactly like the King, but if he hadn't spoken German fluently, بطلاقة he wouldn't have succeeded in his mission.
21-What did Sapt expect to happen to the King in case Rassendyll refused to go to Strelsau to be crowned?
He expected that the King would either be dead or in prison.
22-How long did Rassendyll take to make his decision to take the King's place? Why did he realise he had no choice?
He took about eighty seconds to take his decision. When he looked at the poor King lying on the floor, he realised he had no choice.
23-What did Colonel Sapt and Fritz do to mislead لتضليل Duke Michael's guards when they arrived at the hunting lodge?
They decided to go to the station early instead of waiting for Duke Michael's guards. They hid the King in the cellar so that the guards would think no one was there.
24-What was Colonel Sapt's plan to get the King to Strelsau?
At night after the coronation, Sapt and Rassendyll would go back to the hunting lodge on their horses. Fritz could stay to guard the King's bedroom. Josef would get the King ready. The King and Sapt would return to the palace and Rassendyll would leave the country.
25-What did Colonel Sapt and Fritz decide to do with Johann's mother? Why?
They decided to lock her in the cellar with the King because she overheard their plan and she might tell Duke Michael about the King's hiding place.
26-What did Colonel Sapt tell Rassendyll to familiarize him with ليجعله مطلعا على the history of the King's life? Why?  
Colonel Sapt told him about the King's family, likes, interests, weaknesses friends and servants. He also told him how he should behave in the palace. Because Rassendyll was going to take the King's place temporarily. مؤقتا
27-How did Rassendyll feel before reaching Strelsau to play the King's role? Why?
He felt nervous because, as he said, he wasn't made of stone.
28-Why was there no one from the palace to meet Rassendyll, as King, and the others at the station in Strelsau? What did Sapt decide to do?
Because they arrived an hour earlier than it was expected. Sapt decided to send word to the palace.
29-What was the first thing Rassendyll told Sapt he wanted to do when they reached the station in Strelsau? Why?
Rassendyll told him he wanted to have some breakfast as he was hungry.
30-What could Rassendyll hear when he was having breakfast at the station in Strelsau? Why?
He could hear music and people cheering "God save the King!" in preparation for the coronation.
31-Who was Marshal Strakencz? What did he look like?  
He was a very important person in the army. He was tall and his jacket was covered in medals.
32-What did the Marshal say to Rassendyll when he met him at the station?
He said he was sorry that the Duke could not meet him, the King, at the station but he would meet him shortly.
33-When did Rassendyll begin to feel less nervous after taking the King's place?
When no one seemed to realise that he was not the real king.
34-What did Rassendyll notice about the capital when he rode through its streets?
The city was partly old and partly new. There were wide, modern streets where the rich people lived in big houses. But behind these was a poor area and narrow streets where the people lived in tiny, old, unhealthy houses.
35-Why did the upper class (the rich) people support the new King?
Because they had always lived well under the King's father. They would support the new King because they knew that nothing would change.
36-Why were the lower class (the poor) people in favour of يؤيدون Duke Kichael?
Because they had lived a bad life under the King's father. They didn't want things to stay the same. They supported Duke Kichael who told them he wanted things to be different and gave them hope for a better life.
37-Why did Rassendyll think that the area of the poor people in Strelsau was not safe for him, as King?
Because the poor people in this area didn't like the King and supported Duke Kichael who gave them hope for a better life.
38-What festivities مظاهر الاحتفال were there when Rassendyll reached the great square where the palace stood?
There were coloured flags and coloured ribbons everywhere and people lined the streets, clapping and cheering. People threw flowers from down the balconies above Rassendyll.
39-What happened when a flower fell on Rassendyll's horse? What couldn't he tell?
Rassendyll picked the flower up and stuck it onto his coat. The Marshal looked at him, but Rassendyll could not tell يحدد from his expression whether he was happy or angry.
40-What made Rassendyll feel happy when he was in the great square on the coronation day?
He felt happy because at that moment, he really believed he was actually the King. He was delighted to see so much colour and so many happy faces.
41-Why was Rassendyll afraid when he saw Antoinette de Mauban on a balcony above him on the coronation day?
Because when she stared at him, her expression changed. He thought she knew who he was. He thought she would call out, "That is not the real King."

B)Quotations with Model Answers

1-"Colonel, Fritz: who is this gentleman?"
1-Who said this? Who was he asking about?
The King of Ruritania. He was asking about Rassendyll.
2-Why did the speaker and the gentleman stand for a few minutes looking at each other in silence?
Because they looked exactly like each other. They were like identical twins.
3-What did that gentleman find out when he examined the speaker carefully?
Rassendyll found out that there were some differences between them: the King's mouth was less wide and his own face was a little thinner.
2-"I hope you're not angry."
1-Who said this? To whom?
Rassendyll, to the King.
2-Why did the speaker think the other person could be angry?
Because the King met someone who looked exactly like him.
3-  What did the addressed person say that the speaker couldn't help doing?
He said that Rassendyll couldn't help looking like him.
3-"What would my brother Michael think if he saw us two together!"
1-Who said this? To whom?
The King, to Colonel Sapt and Fritz.
2-Who does the pronoun "we" refer to?
It refers to the King and Rassendyll.  
3-What was the reply of the addressed persons to these words?
They said it was not a good idea for Rassendyll to visit Strelsau at the time of the coronation.
4-"I don't think it would be a good idea for Mr Rassendyll to visit Strelsau now."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Fritz, to the King.
2-Why did the speaker think it wasn't a good idea for Rassendyll to do so?
Because it wouldn't be nice for the people to see a double of their King.
3-Why did the speaker have to change his opinion hours later?
Because the King was poisoned and if he wasn't crowned that day, Michael would take the crown. So Rassendyll was asked to take the King's place.

5-"Don't worry, sir. I understand the problem. I'll leave Ruritania today."
1-Who said this? To whom?
Rassendyll, to the King.
2-What problem was the speaker talking about?
The problem of the resemblance between Rassendyll and the King. Sapt and Fritz objected to Rassendyll's attending the coronation.
3-Did the speaker leave Ruritania that day? Why / Why not?
No, he didn't. Because Sapt and Fritz asked him to take the King's place to be crowned so that Michael couldn't take the crown.
6-"The Duke said I was to give you this at the end of your meal."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Josef, the King's servant, to the King.
2-What does the word "this" refer to?
Some cakes.
3-What was the reaction رد فعل of the addressed person then? Why?
He was very happy and praised his brother Duke Michael because the King liked good food.
7-"Well done, Michael! He knows me well!"
1-What did the King praise Michael for?
He praised him for sending him some cakes.
2-What did the King mean by "He knows me well"?
He meant that Michael knew that the King liked good food.
3-Did Michael deserve استحق the King's commendation? مدح (ثناء) Why / Why not?
No, he didn't. Because he wanted to poison the King so that he couldn't be crowned. Michael wanted to take the crown himself.
8-"That wasn't funny."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Rassendyll, to Colonel Sapt.
2-Why did the speaker say so?
Because he realised that Sapt had thrown water over him.
3-Did the other person intend to do something funny? Why / Why not?
No. He intended to wake Rassendyll up to see what happened to the King.
9-"Nothing else would wake you up."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Colonel Sapt, to Rassendyll.
2-What did the speaker do to wake the other person up?
He threw water over him.
3-Why was it difficult to wake that person up? Mention two reasons.
First, he had eaten one poisoned cake which had a little effect on him.
Second, it was five o'clock in the morning.
10-"Rassendyll, you must come and look at this."
1-Who was addressing Rassendyll?
2-What did the speaker want Rassendyll to look at?
He wanted him to look at the King lying on the floor and breathing heavily.
3-What was the problem then? What caused that problem?
The King was poisoned. He had eaten poisoned cakes that Michael sent him.

11-"Yes, he did this so that his brother cannot be crowned."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Colonel Sapt, to Fritz and Rassendyll.
2-Who was the schemer? مدبّر المكيدة (المتآمر)
Duke Michael.
3-What did he do to stop the King from being crowned?
He poisoned the King by sending poisoned cakes to him.
12-"You don't know what the Duke is like, do you, Rassendyll?"
1-Who said these words?
Colonel Sapt.
2-What did the speaker mean by these words?
He meant that Rassendyll didn't know the true character of Duke Michael who was a criminal who could do anything to take the crown.
3-What did the speaker suggest to frustrate the Duke's treacherous plot?
Colonel Sapt suggested that Rassendyll could go to Strelsau to be crowned benefiting from the resemblance between him and the King.
13-"Me? That's impossible! People would realise that I'm not the King! And don't forget that I'm English!"
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Rassendyll, to Colonel Sapt.
2-What did the speaker object to?
He objected to going to Strelsau to be crowned.
3-Why did the speaker change his opinion later on?
First, Fritz told him that his German was perfect. Second, he sympathized with the poor King who was lying on the floor and he felt he had no choice.
14-"I understand what you're saying, but the King would never forgive me if I ..."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
Rassendyll, to Colonel Sapt.
2-What was the other person saying that the speaker understood?  
Colonel Sapt said that if Rassendyll didn't go to Strelsau, Duke Michael would be King that night, and the King would either be dead or in prison.
3-What, do you think, was the sentence that the speaker didn't finish?
I think it was, "But the King would never forgive me if I was crowned and took his place."
15-"Do we all agree on this plan?"
1-Who asked this question? To whom?
Colonel Sapt, to Fritz and Rassendyll.  
2-Write briefly بإيجاز what that plan was.
After the coronation, Sapt and Rassendyll would go back to the hunting lodge. Fritz would guard the King's bedroom. The King and Sapt would return to the palace and Rassendyll would leave the country.
3-What was the listeners' opinion of that plan?
They agreed on it saying that it was a good plan.
C)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct it :
1-The King said it was not every day that you saw your couple .
The King said it was not every day that vou saw your double •
2-fritz introduced Rassendyll to the King.
Sapt introduced Rassendyll to the King •
3-Rassendyll would go to Zenda to attend the coronation
Rassendyll would go to Strelsau to attend the coronation }•
4-Fritz and Sapt agreed to let Rassendyll attend the coronation .
Fritz and .Sapt disagreed to let Rassendyll attend the coronation •
5-Michael used the small house in the forest for cooking .
Michael used the small house in the forest for hunting •
6-The King ate most of the grapes sent by Michael .
The Kihg ate most of the cakes sent by Michael •
7-Rudolf guessed that the King was imprisoned.
Rudolf guessed that the King was poisoned  .
8-It was impossible for the King to attend the wedding.
It was impossible for the King to attend the coronation .
9-Rassendyll was woken up by throwing perfume over him.
Rassendyll was woken up by throwing water over him •
The King thought that good sport is more important than sleep.
The King thought that good food is more important than sleep.
11- $apt suggested that Rasse~dyll should attend tlie coronation in place of the Duke.
Sapt suggested that Rassendyll should attend the coronation in plac 'of the King.
12-People would realize that Rassendyll was not the King as he was German.
People would realize that Rassendyll was not the King as he was English .
13-Sapt said they had to leave for Zenda before Michaelis meh arrived.
Sapt said 'they had to leave for Strelsau before Michaelis men arrived •
14-Johann's mother would tell Michaelis men the house was empty .
Josef would tellNlchael's men the house was empty•
15-Saptand Rassendyll would fetch the King during the day.
Sapt and Rassendyll would fetch the King during the night.
16-Johann's sister heard them talking about their plans.
Johann's mother heard them talking about their plans•
17-Fritz began to dress Rassendyll in some of the King's clothes .
Josef began to dress Rassendyll in some of the King's clothes •
18-Johann's mother was locked in the cellar with the Duke.
Johann's mother was locked in the cellar with the King .
19-The Duke was waiting for the King at Strelsau train station .:
The Marshal was waiting for the King at Strelsau train station  •
20-The streets in the Old Town were wide and modern .
The streets in the New Town were wide and modern•
A)Answer the following questions:
1-What slight الطفيفة differences in appearance were there between Rassendyll and the King of Ruritania?
2-What did the King account for his being surprised?
3-What advice did Colonel Sapt and Fritz give the King concerning Rassendyll's going to Strelsau?
4-Why did Rassendyll tell the King he would leave Ruritania that day?
5-What did the King invite Rassendyll to before leaving Ruritania for his country?
6-What did Colonel Sapt and Fritz remind the King of? Why did the King pay no attention لم يعر اهتماما to their advice?
7-What did the King say about good food?
8-How many servants were there in the hunting lodge with the King? Who were they?    
9-Why did Colonel Sapt and Fritz avoid eating too much when they had dinner with the King and Rassendyll?  
10-To what extent did the King have a good opinion of أحسن الظن بـ his brother? How was he mistaken?
11-How was Duke Michael fully aware of his brother's character? How did he take advantage of استغل لصالحه the King's weaknesses?
12-Duke Michael didn't have good intentions لم يكن حسن النية when he invited his brother to spend a few days in his hunting lodge. Explain.
13-How did Rassendyll realise that the King was gluttonous?
14-How was Rassendyll slightly affected by the only cake he ate?
15-What was the only way that enabled Colonel Sapt and Fritz to wake Rassendyll up?
16-Why was the same way not fruitful غير مجدية with the King?
17-Why couldn't Colonel Sapt and Fritz get a doctor to see the sick King?
18-Why did Colonel Sapt against Fritz's idea to tell the people about the King's illness?
19-What ruse الحيلة came to Colonel Sapt's mind to frustrate Duke Michael's plot to take the crown?
20-Why was Rassendyll reluctant متردد before he agreed to go to Strelsau and be crowned?  
21-How did Fritz encourage Rassendyll to agree to take the King's place on the coronation day?
22-What did Colonel Sapt say about the King's expected fate مصير that urged حثّRassendyll to sympathize with him and accept the mission?
23-What was Sapt's plan to get the King to Strelsau?
24-Where did Colonel Sapt and Fritz hide the King? Why?
25-Why did Sapt and Fritz lock Johann's mother in the cellar with the King?
26-What information did Colonel Sapt acquaint أطلعه على Rassendyll with about the history of the King's life?
27-Why were there no one to meet Rassendyll, the pretend المزعوم King, at the station of Strelsau?
28-What did Rassendyll hear when he was having breakfast at the station?
29-What message did Marshal Strakencz carry from Duke Michael to Rassendyll, the pretend King ?
30-When did Rassendyll feel less nervous on the coronation day?
B)Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1-"You must forgive me if I seemed surprised, as it's not every day that  you see your double!"
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-What did the speaker mean by "your double"?
3-Were there any differences in appearance between the speaker and his bouble? What were they?
2-"Whether I like it or not, you can't help looking like me. No, I'll happily help you."
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-Why did the addressed person think that the speaker might be angry?
3-Who really helped the other, the speaker or the addressed person? How?
3-"I agree. He mustn't go."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
2-Who were they talking about? Where mustn't he go?
3-Did the speaker change his opinion later? Why?
4-"We ride to Zenda and return with a guard of soldiers to take the King to the station."
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-Who does the pronoun "We" refer to?
3-Did they do what the speaker said? Why / Why not?

5-"But Rudolf, forget these two men! We don't need to get up so early, so eat some more, cousin!"
1-Who said these words?
2-Who were these two men that the speaker asked Rudolf to forget?
3-What did the speaker mean by "forget these two men"?
6-" We've been trying to wake him up for half an hour, but we can't. "
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-Who were they talking about?
3-Why couldn't they wake him up?
7-"There's no doctor for fifteen kilometres and even a thousand doctors won't make him better today."
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-Who does the word "him" refer to? What was wrong with him?
3-Why did they want that person to be better that day in particular?
8--"It would be easy to forget that, because your German's perfect. And if we dress you in different clothes, no one will know.."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
2-What was the speaker trying to convince يقنع the other person to do?
3-What did the addressed person decide at last? Why?
9-"We can hide the King in the cellar so when the guards arrive they'll think no one's here."
1-Who said these words? To whom?
2-Why didn't they want the guards to know the King's hiding place?
3-Where were they going next? Why?
10-"She's locked in the cellar with the King. Josef will let her out later, after Michael's gone."
1-Who said this? To whom?
2-Who was locked in the cellar with the King?
3-Why was she locked there?
C)Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1-Rudolf Rassendyll and the King looked exactly like each other with no difference at all in appearance.
2-The King's mouth was wider than Rassendyll's and Rassendyll's face was a little thinner.
3-The King asked Rassendyll to forgive him because he seemed annoyed when he saw his double.
4-Colonel Sapt and Fritz told the King it would be a good idea for Mr Rassendyll to visit Strelsau.
5-The King asked Rassendyll to leave Ruritania that day, but Rassendyll asked to stay for dinner.
6-Colonel Sapt and Fritz said they didn't mind having dinner with Rassendyll and the King because they didn't have to get up early the next day.
7-The King agreed with Colonel Sapt and Fritz in that sleep was more important than good food.
8-The King thought that the hunting lodge was as comfortable as the palace.
9-Dinner was not ready yet when the King, Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz went to the hunting lodge, so they ate some cakes.
10-Colonel Sapt and Fritz ate hungrily because they didn't need to get up early the following day.
11-Fritz said that he and Sapt would be waiting for a guard of soldiers from Zenda to take the King to the station.
12-The King was annoyed with his brother for not letting him use his guards.
13-Josef said that Duke Michael had asked him to give the King some fruit at the end of his meal.
14-The King as well as Rassendyll ate a few cakes because they had eaten enough.
15-Colonel Sapt and Fritz didn't find any difficulty in waking Rassendyll up bacause the cake he ate had no effect on him.
16-Rassendyll woke up suddenly covered in water because he had sweated تصبّب عرقا heavily.
17-Colonel Sapt and Fritz woke Rassendyll up at five o'clock in the morning to go to Strelsau to be crowned.
18-When Fritz led Rassendyll to the next room, he saw the King lying on bed. His face was red and he was breathing heavily.
19-Rassendyll bent down and felt the King's pulse, which was normal.
20-Although they could get a doctor easily, they decided not to do because even a thousand doctors wouldn't make the King better that day.
21-Fritz said that they mustn't tell anyone that the King was ill, and Sapt agreed.
22-Colonel Sapt said that the whole country was waiting for the King that day. Most of the army was waiting too, with Marshal Strakencz leading it.
23-Colonel Sapt was worried that if Rudolf didn't become King that day, Rassendyll would take the crown.
24-To frustrate the Duke's plans, Colonel Sapt suggested that Rassendyll could go to Strelsau to kill Duke Michael.
25-Rassendyll walked round the room in silence for about an hour thinking of Colonel Sapt's idea that he could go to Strelsau to be crowned.  
26-Rassendyll agreed at once to Colonel Sapt's idea to go to Strelsau to be crowned.
27-Fritz encouraged Rassendyll to take the King's place saying that his English was perfect.
28-Sapt said that if Rassendyll didn't go to Strelsau, Duke Michael would be King that night, and the King would either be dead or exiled. يتم نفيه
29-Colonel Sapt couldn't know whether Rassendyll would agree to their idea to be crowned or not until Rassendyll said, "Very well. I'll go."
30-Sapt suggested waiting for Michael's guards in the hunting lodge and then they could leave together to Strelsau.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Chapter 2
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Chapter 1:

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